Die Beschwerden der Männer

Tired of your cowardice, we want peace. The only way to achjeve this peace we seek is through the conquering of our foes.
You cowering fiends are to sluggish in your pursuit of freedom, too soft to govern effectively. To achieve true freedom and justice the world must be united under one unified flag. Under one strong government. Under one Reich.
Our patience run thin, we now secede form your pathetic rule and create our own true sovereignty. We are tired of you taking our youth away and bringing them back in body bags. And for what!?! For no cause but political agendas and personal gain.
We represent both the united people of Friedenreich and the glorification of our state. Too long have the tired people of your country been misrepresented and ineffectively governed. Only through strong control over the people of the government can their goals be reached, and there interests protected. Only under one government can we be free.
In the mid 20th century, writer Erich Fromm said that, "Power is not a means; it is an end. And power means the capacity to inflict unlimited pain and suffering to another human being." This is our goal, and we will harness the power contained in this philosophy and thrust it onto our enemies, beating them down with our power.
But power cannot be gained through peace and democracy. The path to power is begun and ended through war. Ruthless war, lacking humanity, will secure victory over our foes. Peace comes at a price, and we will not hesitate to sacrifice our children to secure happiness for our people. War is the only path to peace.
But we are not tyrants. We want our people to know that we serve them with open ears and open arms, and that we would gladly die for any one of them.

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